Contact: Brooke Simmons ( with any questions. Reference: The project and data release are described in Simmons et al. (2017, MNRAS, 464, 4420). Please cite this paper if making use of any data in this table in publications. Description: Depth-corrected morphological classifications of galaxies from Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS This table includes depth-corrected classifications for 10,648 galaxies with morphological measurements in multiple epochs (see Section 3.8 in Simmons+16). The structure of the data for each task number NN with i = 0 to n-1 responses is as follows: t[NN]_[quest abbrev]_a[i]_[resp abbrev]_deepcorr : the weighted fraction of classifiers who gave this response, corrected from the deep-exposure classification. quest abbrev and resp abbrev are abbreviated versions of the specific question and response, respectively. name class format code description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID string 9A string identifying galaxy; COS_* are galaxies from COSMOS, GDS_* from GOODS-S, and UDS_* from UDS t00_smooth_or_featured_a0_smooth_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "smooth" out of all responses to Task 00 for this galaxy t00_smooth_or_featured_a1_features_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "features or disk" out of all responses to Task 00 for this galaxy t00_smooth_or_featured_a2_artifact_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "star or artifact" out of all responses to Task 00 for this galaxy t01_how_rounded_a0_completely_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "completely round" out of all responses to Task 01 for this galaxy t01_how_rounded_a1_inbetween_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "in-between" out of all responses to Task 01 for this galaxy t01_how_rounded_a2_cigarshaped_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "cigar-shaped" out of all responses to Task 01 for this galaxy t02_clumpy_appearance_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "yes (clumpy)" out of all responses to Task 02 for this galaxy t02_clumpy_appearance_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no (clumpy)" out of all responses to Task 02 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a0_1_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "1 clump" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a1_2_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "2 clumps" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a2_3_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "3 clumps" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a3_4_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "4 clumps" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a4_5_plus_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "5+ clumps" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t03_how_many_clumps_a5_cant_tell_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "can't tell how many clumps" out of all responses to Task 03 for this galaxy t04_clump_configuration_a0_straight_line_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "straight line of clumps" out of all responses to Task 04 for this galaxy t04_clump_configuration_a1_chain_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "chain of clumps" out of all responses to Task 04 for this galaxy t04_clump_configuration_a2_cluster_or_irregular_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "clustered/irregular clumps" out of all responses to Task 04 for this galaxy t04_clump_configuration_a3_spiral_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "spiral clumps" out of all responses to Task 04 for this galaxy t05_is_one_clump_brightest_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "one clump is brightest" out of all responses to Task 05 for this galaxy t05_is_one_clump_brightest_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no single brightest clump" out of all responses to Task 05 for this galaxy t06_brightest_clump_central_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "brightest clump is at center" out of all responses to Task 06 for this galaxy t06_brightest_clump_central_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "brightest clump is not at center" out of all responses to Task 06 for this galaxy t07_galaxy_symmetrical_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "clumps are symmetrical" out of all responses to Task 07 for this galaxy t07_galaxy_symmetrical_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "clumps are not symmetrical" out of all responses to Task 07 for this galaxy t08_clumps_embedded_larger_object_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "clumps are embedded" out of all responses to Task 08 for this galaxy t08_clumps_embedded_larger_object_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "clumps are not embedded" out of all responses to Task 08 for this galaxy t09_disk_edge_on_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "disk, edge-on" out of all responses to Task 09 for this galaxy t09_disk_edge_on_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "disk, not edge-on" out of all responses to Task 09 for this galaxy t10_edge_on_bulge_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "bulge in edge-on disk" out of all responses to Task 10 for this galaxy t10_edge_on_bulge_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no bulge in edge-on disk" out of all responses to Task 10 for this galaxy t11_bar_feature_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "bar" out of all responses to Task 11 for this galaxy t11_bar_feature_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no bar" out of all responses to Task 11 for this galaxy t12_spiral_pattern_a0_yes_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 12 for this galaxy t12_spiral_pattern_a1_no_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 12 for this galaxy t13_spiral_arm_winding_a0_tight_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "tightly-wound spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 13 for this galaxy t13_spiral_arm_winding_a1_medium_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "medium-wound spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 13 for this galaxy t13_spiral_arm_winding_a2_loose_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "loosely-wound spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 13 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a0_1_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "1 spiral arm" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a1_2_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "2 spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a2_3_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "3 spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a3_4_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "4 spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a4_5_plus_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "5+ spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t14_spiral_arm_count_a5_cant_tell_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "can't tell how many spiral arms" out of all responses to Task 14 for this galaxy t15_bulge_prominence_a0_no_bulge_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "no bulge" out of all responses to Task 15 for this galaxy t15_bulge_prominence_a1_obvious_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "obvious bulge" out of all responses to Task 15 for this galaxy t15_bulge_prominence_a2_dominant_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "dominant bulge" out of all responses to Task 15 for this galaxy t16_merging_tidal_debris_a0_merging_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "merging galaxies" out of all responses to Task 16 for this galaxy t16_merging_tidal_debris_a1_tidal_debris_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "tidal debris" out of all responses to Task 16 for this galaxy t16_merging_tidal_debris_a2_both_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "merging galaxies and tidal debris" out of all responses to Task 16 for this galaxy t16_merging_tidal_debris_a3_neither_weighted_frac_deepcorr double D depth-corrected weighted fraction of votes for "neither merging galaxies nor tidal debris" out of all responses to Task 16 for this galaxy